Hey everyone, just a quick note to say we’ll be having Live Lobster, Smelt, and more delicious seafood in this weekend for the holidays. We’re having a pre-order special for the live lobster, ordering today or tomorrow means you’ll get a lobster at $13.99/lb vs normal price! Feel free to talk with Jess, myself, or anyone of our cashiers upfront to order. Lobsters will be from fresh in from Maine, ranging from ~2lbs-3lbs, just like we’ve had before. 🙂
As mentioned above, we’ll be getting in Smelt in addition to the rest of our seafood. Smelt is an excellent small fish, (mostly done fried, but easily baked, grilled, or….pickled? That’s new to me!) with some great nutritional value, from Vitamin D and B, to Calcium and Potassium, among others. However you decide to eat these tasty fish up, we have all the gear you’ll need to enjoy them. Keep an eye tuned tomorrow for our fresh Seafood delivery, and again later this week for our Thursday & Friday Seafood delivery!